
The founder and president of YCSVP, Latur, Dr. Shivaji Javelgekar belongs to As he belongs to rural area he saw that condition and situation of rural people, who struggle everyday to get their livelihood. There are so many issues include, caste, gender, social and economic problems and issues of people who are still not recognized by our society known as Adivasi, NT,etc. To fight against this all odds Dr. Shivaji Javelgekar, decided to work on these issues and came together with like-minded people and founded the social organization known as “Yeshwantrao Chavan Samaj Vikas Pratishthan, Latur” in 1998. The group of volunteers governed under YCSVP, Latur, initiated constructive activities focusing welfare and overall development of families falling under the categories of Dalit, landless, deprived, with major concern to women, children, youth and vulnerable population.

Currently organization is working in Latur district of Maharashtra state on various issues, includes, child labor, education sector, agriculture, natural resource management, environment conservation and livelihood promotional training providing centre etc.